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ANTN Leadership

Rev. Dr. Jerry Troyer, President

Rev. Jerry Troyer has been active in New Thought for nearly 30 years.  Licensed as a Religious Science Minister in 2005, he also holds a Master Degree in Religious Studies and a Doctor of Divinity from Emerson Theological Institute.      

In addition to being board president, Jerry works as Director of Relationship Development for Urban Street Angels, an organization providing bridge housing for homeless transitional youth, ages 18 to 25.

A published author, Jerry travels and speaks regularly in ANTN, Unity and CSL pulpits across the country. Jerry lives with his beloved Golden Retriever, Maggie, in the San Diego area, and has a son, Brandon, and seven grandchildren who live in Oregon.

Rev. Dr. Pjae Stanley, Vice President

Rev. Dr. Pamela (Pjae) Stanley is the senior minister of Harmony Spiritual Center in Fort Worth, Texas. She studied with ANTN co-founder Dr. Marilyn Hall in the mid-1990’s, holds a BS in Organizational Management from HBU Paul Quinn, a master’s degree and Doctor of Divinity from Emerson Theological Institute. Rev. Pjae is an ordained New Thought Interfaith minister and the host of ANTN's monthly Thought Leader Thursday (TLT) virtual speaker series.

Rev. Pjae also facilitates her Real Talk: Wrestlings & Wranglings discussion group for authentic sharing of stories, helping participants uncover pathways through their personal evolution.

Rev. Gay Beauregard​, Treasurer

Rev. Gay Beauregard is the Sr. Minister of The Alpine Church of Spiritual Living. She has been writing a weekly column since 2003 for the Sun Newspaper entitled “Thought for the Week” which are the “seed thoughts” for her Sunday messages. 

Rev. Gay was born and currently lives in San Diego County in a quaint home overlooking 45 acres of pasture in Alpine, CA.  She retired in 2019 after 40 years as a commercial insurance agent. 

She’s always loved to sing, beginning at age 4 in the children’s choir of the Methodist Church, followed by  various church and community choirs.

Rev. Paul Hoyt, Corp. Secretary

Rev. Paul began studying New Thought in 1985 with Emmet Fox’s "Power Through Constructive Thinking." That book has profoundly influenced Paul to this day. He has also studied Edger Casey and A Course in Miracles.

In 2000, he was introduced to ANTN member Center for Conscious Living where took many classes that eventually led him to becoming a licensed Practitioner and an ordained Minister. He has taught many classes at CCL with Senior Minister Rev. Carol Lawson. When Rev. Carol retired, Paul stepped up as Interim Minister and now serves as Associate Minister.

Rev. Dr. Robert Brzezinski

Rev. Dr. Robert is the Spiritual and Creative Director of New Thought Media Network, a global broadcast network of positive music, media, and entertainment.

Dr. Robert is passionate about exploring the emerging experience of virtual community as a form of spiritual activism. He feels called to serve those seeking to create the life they truly desire. He is a dynamic spiritual leader, passionate professional speaker, and teacher. As a personal coach, spiritual business consultant, and visionary thought leader, he continually finds ways to share the New Thought philosophy in paradigm shifting ways.

You can find Robert on Facebook @robertbrz and his website

Learn more about New Thought Media Network at and tune in on YouTube.

Rev. Don Chatfield

Rev. Dr. Don Chatfield is Lead Pastor at All Souls Interfaith Gathering in Shelburne, Vermont. He has been an ordained minister since 1977 and an ordained interfaith minister since 2008. Don grew up near Unity Village and was acquainted with New Thought principles at an early age. After serving as minister in six Protestant churches, Don yearned to expand his ministry to include all faiths. This led to study at Emerson Theological Institute, where he earned his interfaith minister credential.

Rev. Don, along with his wife Karen, has founded two interfaith Schools of Spiritual Direction. He loves to work with students who are training to become effective spiritual companions. Rev. Don has been the layout editor for the Emerson New Thought Center’s newsletter, New Thoughts, for the past 14 years.

Don and Karen enjoy life nestled between the shore of Lake Champlain and the Green Mountains, where they frequently hike, bicycle, ski, and snowshoe, accompanied by their Bichon Frise, Lily.

Rev. Deni Ralston

In 1987, Deni began her New Thought path at Unity of Louisville.  Since then, she has served in a variety of capacities, including as a Y.O.U. sponsor, a Unity chaplain and a Licensed Unity Teacher at Unity Near The Villages in Florida, which is where she currently serves.
She is also on the Board and is a monthly guest speaker at CSL Manatee. In November 2022, she became the LUT Representative for the Southeast Region Unity Board.
She has an Interfaith Ministerial credential, a Masters in Spiritual Studies degree, a Religious Science Practitioner credential and is ordained as a Religious Science Minister all from Emerson Institute.  Deni has been involved with ANTN since and 2019 and joined the ANTN conference team and the Board in 2022.

Her mission is “to minister by living fully, questioning, learning, teaching, and serving others with compassion and kindness.”

Dr. Ruth Miller
Emerson Institute Representative

Dr. Ruth Miller is the President of the Emerson Theological Institute. She is an ordained New Thought minister who has has served Unity, Science of Mind, and Unitarian congregations throughout Oregon. She is the host of the radio program Noetic Moments, where she explores the science of consciousness, and actively shares her insights through books, interviews, classes, and online platforms.

Her extensive body of work includes modern interpretations of early New Thought teachings and explorations of cultural development through the ages, offering practical wisdom for spiritual growth and transformation.

Rev. Dr. Michele Whittington
Executive Director

Rev. Dr. Michele Whittington was in the first Emerson Institute ministerial graduating class in 1998 and served Creative Living Fellowship, a Religious Science Church and Teaching Center, for almost 22 years as its Senior Minister.

She stepped down from the pulpit in 2018 and is now actively pursuing her ministry through Unleash Your Life Consulting.  By mentoring individuals and couples and by offering classes, workshops and retreats, she supports people in taking the brakes off in their lives and embracing their dreams. She is a certified Real Love Coach, a Master Teacher in The Art of Feminine Presence®, a Positive Intelligence® Coach, the author of two books and ANTN's Executive Director.

When she's not taking care of all of that, Dr. Michele enjoys her unleashed life in Phoenix, Arizona, with her beloved rescue poodle Curly.

Rev. Dr. Bill Marchiony

Rev. Dr. Bill Marchiony is co-founder and Spiritual Director of New Thought Philadelphia. He has been a practitioner since 2002, studying with Rev. Dr. Carol Lawson at the Center for Conscious Living. Rev. Bill received ministerial credentials in 2011 from Emerson Theological Institute, and was ordained in 2019.

He is the author of Practical Prayer for Real Results, hosts the weekly “Practical Prayer” podcast, a YouTube channel for Practical Prayer, and twice-a-day meditations on Zoom.

Rev. Bill is a “minister of technology”, helping other ministers and organizations keep up in our increasingly networked world.  In May 2023, he became ANTN's Administrator.

When he's not taking care of all of that, Dr. Bill enjoys life in the suburbs of Philly with his beloved wife Dena and standard poodle Oliver Quimby.

Rev. Dr. Bill Marchiony, Administrator

Phone: (831) 372-1159



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La Mesa, CA 91942

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