I have studied New Thought principles and practices since 1986, through memberships in:
Unity of San Francisco, CA
Unity of Monterey, CA
East Bay Church of Religious Science, Oakland, CA
Unity of Savannah, GA (starting recently, 2022).
All have been instrumental in my shift and expansion in consciousness from a focus on traditional religion to multivalent and inclusive spirituality. An equally strong influence in consciousness shift for me are my doctoral studies, research, and continuing applications in Jungian psychology and dreamwork analysis. Dreams and spirituality fascinate me.
Since 2010, I have been a volunteer in the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP), as a national Board member, training facilitator in California and other states, and co-chair of the USA Education Division in AVP. Our focus is on transformative learning and development of a nonviolence perspective through experiential learning processes. We conduct trainings in prison, community, and school contexts. AVP as an organization is of interest to me because of its focus on nonviolence but more so because it really is another objective example of New Thought Consciousness Principles in practice.
I am a retired university professor with a doctorate in Education (Teaching and Curriculum Development) and a second doctorate in Jungian Depth Psychology. With more than 40 years of experience as a teacher-learner, professor, curriculum developer and writer, I intentionally and unintentionally melded my academic, spiritual, and community service perspectives as one continuous learning approach to life. Each area (academic, spiritual, and service to humanity) informs, transforms, and solidifies the other.