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Johanna van Gelder


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Rev. Dr.
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van Gelder
Are you a Minister, Practitioner, LUT, or Prayer Chaplain?
  • Minister
I first learned about metaphysics in 1981 at 21 years of age when I became involved with Rebirthing Breathwork. The teaching that my thoughts are creative was life changing. Even though I have been involved in metaphysics ever since, it was not until 2007 that I became involved with the New Thought church East Bay Church of Religious Science (EBCRS) in Oakland, CA. I quickly started to take classes and volunteered as an usher for three services every Sunday for the next two years. I started my first year of practitioners studies at EBCRS in 2009 and completed my practitioner studies at Oakland Center for Spiritual Living (OCSL) in 2010.

I stayed at OCSL as a licensed practitioner from 2010 till 2014. I served during Sunday services as a practitioner, was a teacher’s assistant for three Foundations classes, was the Head TA for two Foundations classes and was a co-teachers for two meditation classes. I was a member of the Education Committee as well.

In 2014 I spent 50% of my time, and most weekends in Los Angeles, CA and moved my practitioner license to the Global Truth Center with Dr. James Mellon. At the Global Truth Center I served as a practitioner during Sunday service and offered two 30-day/15 minutes a day virtual classes.

In 2014 I also supported Rev. Stephen Rambo at his Saturday evening service at Founders Church of Religious Science. I lead meditations, gave practitioners talks and was the logistics director of the service.

In 2015 when Rev. Stephen accepted his position as Senior Minister at CSL Simi Valley, I moved my practitioner license to CSL Simi Valley as Rev. Stephen is my life partner. At CSL Simi Valley I have facilitated a weekly contemplative prayer group for 3 years; I headed up a group feeding the underserved in Simi Valley once a month for two years; I facilitated two 10-week classes on conflict resolution which I co-wrote based on the book The Anatomy of Peace ; I facilitated an 8 week class on the teachings of Thomas Troward; I facilitated a 9 week study group which I developed based on Catherine Ponders’ book The Prospering Power of Love.

Since 2015 I have also lead contemplative prayer groups at Centers for Spiritual Living conferences and convention. I lead a contemplative prayer workshop in a number of centers as well as during a conference in The Netherlands. I have spoken during Sunday and Wednesday services at a number of New Thought Centers.

Since obtaining my ministerial license in 2017 I have served CSL Simi Valley through the COVID lockdown by supporting services and teaching classes via Zoom.

In 2022 I joined Unity of Walnut Creek. At UWC I am the manager of bookstore volunteers and shifted the bookstore to be a place for community to gather. I have co-facilitated with Rev. Kristen, have lead Sunday services, and taught a class on blessings for which I wrote my own curriculum.

Rev. Dr. Bill Marchiony, Administrator

Phone: (831) 372-1159



7918 El Cajon Blvd., Suite N332
La Mesa, CA 91942

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