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Dr. James received his Doctorate in Consciousness Studies from the Emerson Theological Institute and is an ordained Religious Science Minister with over 18 years of service to his Spiritual Community. He lives in Los Angeles and is the Founding Spiritual Director of Global Truth Center, a spiritual community of love and unconditional acceptance in Los Angeles, California. He is also the Spiritual Director of the Spiritual Center of the Desert in Palm Desert, California. Both communities foster and support creativity, a thirst for wisdom, and respect for people everywhere.
Combining the arts with spirituality is Dr. James' primary focus. His personal vision statement is Enlightenment Through Entertainment. He is constantly expanding and exploring new ways to teach Principle through music, drama, art, dance, and all forms of artistic expression.
Prior to becoming a minister, Dr. James had a successful career in the entertainment industry, which included Broadway, television, music and film. He played Riff in the Jerome Robbins revival of “West Side Story,” and toured the country as Jesus in “Jesus Christ Superstar” before turning his attention to directing and writing. He has written for television, film and has had three original musicals published for which he has written the book, music and lyrics.
Dr. Mellon is a sought-after speaker, teacher and inspirational leader in the field of personal growth. He is the author of the book, MENTAL MUSCLE, 16-WEEKS OF SPIRITUAL BOOT CAMP and lectures throughout the United States and Canada. His new book, THE FIVE QUESTIONS is released in 2022.
You can find more information about his spiritual work at www.globaltruthcenter.org or at www.jamesmellon.org.
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